Ways to invest islamically?


New member
I have 10k give or take (Alhamdullilah) and I’m currently using a stocks and shares ISA with al-rayan bank where I make 4% yearly.

4% would be great if I had a larger sum of money in my savings , but at the minute i’m making £400 a year which isn’t great but still better than nothing (again Alhamdullilah)

I was wondering if there was anything else I could invest into which is slightly riskier but yields a greater return?

Jazakallah Khair
@00sweetpea00 Why a LISA account? He won't be able to access the money again until he's 60 or buys a house via a mortgage with the money in the LISA.

He should stick with ISA imo.
@coelohim Possibly im not sure on the fees but the simplicity and ease may be a deciding factor or as you suggest use AJ Bell as its cheaper and then invest into Waheds portfolio
@ivlyn Stocks and Shares ISA is just a tax wrapper, allowing you to make gains without having to pay tax.

Cash ISA's which grow money via interest and not gains in the stock market, are haraam.

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