water restoration cost has me baffled


New member
We recently had water enter our upstairs walking closet.
(Supposedly entered due to ice dam)
The restore company charged over 1500 to remove carpet, underpaid cut away about 8 ft of baseboard to include partial removal (about 4sq ft of drywall)
They also cut a 4x5 hole in ceiling of garage to check for moisture and ran drying equipment for about 4 days(
Cost for the mitigation 1500 +
Now to repair the above items is 4500. (this doesn't include carpet replacement just underpad.
The mitigation had no details on invoice, but the repair estimate has things like "adjust door" "adust shelves"
Both of these and other items were not impacted by water
I have a 2500 deductible and 1500 of it was already directed at mitigation.
I think they are trying to juice the insurance company and something tells me this is common practice.
I'm tempted to get another quote or 2 to see if I can get fair pricing, but either way, I will still end up paying full deductible.

Any thoughts on this?
@collinsblalock The mitigation sounds about right. 750 for demo and initial equip set up and take down 750 for equip rental
4500 seems high but depends on how large area you end up painting in the upstairs
You could probably get handyman to do for 3000
@kalese Yeah that's what I was thinking.
Now I need to see if I can get some quotes.

The area is really small. Again it's a walk-in closet might be space to put in a queen mattress with little to spare.
Only the pad, rug and repair above needs to be handled.
I get that construction companies need to make a profit, but I think I can get a hardwood floor and the repairs done for less than the estimate (and keep in mind, estimate is w/o replacement carpet)
@resjudicata Basically any claim involving water can bring in remidiation. It's almost impossible to say no. After a while you have to learn the coding for their services so they don't overcharge just by billing for service in "creative" ways.
@bfastpool Yup. Most mitigation contractors have staff that write up estimates who were never at the loss. Some have a pre set list of Xactimate codes that they use on every loss, which is boarderline fraud

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