Water Damage/ Renter's Insurance Question:


New member
So this morning I woke up around 6am, went to the bathroom to brush my teeth/take a shower and

everything was normal.

Cut to about an hour later and my downstairs neighbor is calling me asking if my tub overflowed. Knowing it didn't I went to investigate what she may be talking about and I walk in to an overflowed toilet with an inch or 2 of standing water all over the hardwood floors going into the carpet of our bedroom.

We got the water mopped up for the most part and called an emergency maintenance request for them to dry the carpets where it was wet.

I thought we were all good, but my downstairs neighbor then let me know that her closet had some water damage from the accident and that she needed to file a claim for it..

I told her I would get connected with her soon to get/give whatever info she needs, but I'm kind of freaking out because financially, I cannot deal with any kind of big claims payment..

Considering that this seemed to be an (first time) issue with the plumbing, would the complex or us take responsibility for the water damage?

I have never had to deal with a renters insurance related claim. What should I say and/or not say to make sure the fault is not on us? (which it genuinely, in my opinion, shouldn't be.)
@brendanmg I have no experience with this either, but I do believe it's the apartment's responsibility for the coverage of damages to the property unless your lease says otherwise. Most times your lease will state whether or not they cover damages to your personal property (which is usually no) unless it's required for you to have renters insurance to stay there. As you are NOT the property owner and the leak is not obvious neglect on your part. DO NOT GIVE YOUR YOU INFORMATION TO YOUR NEIGHBOR! Do not admit fault and if you can talk to your landlord and insurance company and reread your lease. Your neighbor should have their own insurance to cover their own personal items. 🙄 IDK how your neighbor thought it appropriate to call you and not the landlord anyway.
@dbellpreach Hey, thanks for your response.

I just finally heard back from my Property Manager this morning and she was saying that they would be taking care of the actual unit damage, which is really all that we personally needed to worry about, as anything that got affected we just threw away, cleaned, or replaced.

My neighbor however seems to be treating this like a car wreck thinking that my insurance is going to be paying for her personal items that were affected.

We ended up giving our insurance HER information for them to reach out. I am hoping that they will ask us for our statement because we have plenty of photo evidence showing that we were not at fault.

Some additional details that developed over the weekend, it was clear upon inspection that maintenance had come and completely replaced the inside equipment in the toilet. Handle, chain, flapper, etc. This HAD to have been the cause for the overflow.

My gf was sleeping, I was in the kitchen doing dishes, and this accident just happened out of nowhere. Had it been some other situation like we overflowed the tub, I would totally take responsibility for any leaked water, but for this to have happened with no prior incident or signs, I just cannot sensibly take liability for this.

I appreciate your input and reassurance. I feel like we'll be okay, but I do feel like this neighbor is trying to get a quick cash grab or something from this by exaggerating damages..

Wish us the best!

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