
New member
I got my back pay this am, after I was told I was denied because of my document upload. I am feeling so blessed right now. Thank you god & governor Northam. Wow. It’s coming guys……..
@shahid302 im happy for you, i havent gotten paid but i am praying. did you ever finish the appeal process? or recieve a letter or anything? i havent been paid since june 3rd, and have gotten little contact with anyone from the vec, but i’m seeing people who didnt even get their problems resolved getting paid..
@consular No I didn’t get a letter but was told I’d get one to appeal, I hadn’t gotten a payment since June 3rd either. But kept filing in the hopes of this moment right now. I’m on pua. You have to get payment as well because I’m nobody special or did anything special, please keep the faith or ask a question to relieve your doubt.

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