[Virginia] Register a complaint with the VA state Bar against Ellen Marie Hess


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Apparently Ellen Marie Hess is a member of the Virginia bar (and a leader in the administrative law section no less!)


If this woman had screwed over a law firms customer's in the way she is screwing over claimants in Virginia in such a manner in any law firm, they would have fired her and the law firm's customer would have lodged such a complaint with her to the Virginia Bar.

Keep in mind as a public servant, WE are her clients. An attorney is required to respond to her clients inquiries in a timely manner and keep them apprised of the status of the client's case. You are not allowed to completely ignore your client's inquiries regarding the state of their case. Ellen keeps on whining "wAh, wAH...t0o MaNY clAImS t0 Pr0cEsS", however people are been left in the dark for months (some even more than one year!) without a phone call, email, or letter regarding when their claim will be processed; what the outstanding issues on those claims consist of, and what (if anything) can be done to resolve the alleged outstanding issues.

A State Bar Association is usually forced to make at least a preliminary investigation of an attorney if a large number of people make similar complaints about the person.

Here is a pdf of the Virginia Bar Association Website detailing what needs to be done to file a complaint against an attorney.


Ellen Marie Hess' gross incompetence has wreaked much havoc in the lives of many Virginians while she works her 35 hour work week (or more likely surfs the internet for 35 hours), had money for her groceries, and receives those cushy cushy civil service protection that guarantees lifetime tenure in her job. Let's return the favor by adding a little stress to her life.....
@dennid i get that she sucks, but this post is screwy. shes not acting as a lawyer, we are not her clients in that sense.

we should absolutely be complaining, but this barking up the wrong tree, and likely a waste of energy that could be directed into complaining elsewhere that coupd have an actual outcome.
@tinaj Yeah, your'e being willfully obtuse here:
  1. She is one of the heads of the administrative law sections at the Virginia Bar Association, which is a professional association for lawyers, and she is in that role solely because of her job at the VEC. The only employer this woman has ever had was the VEC. She did not obtain her status at the Virginia Bar through work for any other employer.
  2. She is a government attorney whose salary is paid by the public, hence her clients are the public.
  3. Dude, you know what's a real waste of time? Spending 3-4 hours a day trying to get ahold of someone on that ridiculous customer service hotline, which is time that could have been spent actually looking for a job!
  4. As far as actual outcome: the proposed course of action is about lighting a match under Ellen's ass. If she is the subject of an ethics investigation by the Virginia Bar, then she will have to sweat it, spend money of a legal ethics attorney to represent her in in such proceedings. We have suffered alot of stress in dealing with the VEC and many people have had to raid their 401k, borrow money from relatives ect. to deal with the fact that they are not getting their UI/PUA/PEUC benefits. This is returning the favor.
@dennid Hello! You have made the mistake of writing "ect" instead of "etc."

"Ect" is a common misspelling of "etc," an abbreviated form of the Latin phrase "et cetera." Other abbreviated forms are etc., &c., &c, and et cet. The Latin translates as "et" to "and" + "cetera" to "the rest;" a literal translation to "and the rest" is the easiest way to remember how to use the phrase.

Check out the wikipedia entry if you want to learn more.

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