
New member
Hello everyone, I am on PUA and stopped getting payments about 4 weeks ago due to the verification clusterf**k and completed and submitted all verification forms by july 1st, I finally got an email back from a rep but I am unsure if this is good news or not since I am not sure what stage of processing my claim is in at the moment. The message reads:

“Thank you for contacting the Virginia Employment Commission. Although we empathize with your need for an immediate resolution the hold on your claim is in the process of being released. We do not have an exact timeframe for when this issue will be resolved. Please continue to file your weekly certifications going forward. Thank you for your continued patience and understanding with this matter.


Customer Service”

@tallens Theres a thread on here that I used just today and got a response within a hour, I just emailed everyone on the list about my issue and for help and included my soc and pin incase they needed it...
@peachandflowers I told them my issue was urgent and that I haven’t received any correspondence after sending in my verifications and was just needing an update...I emailed every email on the list and included my social and my pin in the message.
@rosebowl It's not a new law legal aid just brought it back up I know because my case was escalated along with some others jus read some posts you will see anyone with a document issue this dosent apply only to a very specific few codes
@bloodinthewater People believe what they want unfortunately. You see how fast and far that July 1st all issues would be removed rumor spread??

Just because the OP got back pay doesn’t mean everyone who’s PUA stopped is going to get back pay. Remember there is multiple reasons why a PUA claim has payments stopped & there are a few that the BPC can fix without deputy’s decisions..

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