[Virginia] Did anyone get paid today that’s on PUA? I know a lot f us didn’t get our last payment!!

@jazzy_j Yall really need to stop down voting people paranoid thinking they're lying. I talked to two different agents yesterday and they both told me I had a stop payment. The first one was very rude and nasty. She said a lot of claims had that (I have the screenshots from the chats) this was before those emails even started going around. Apparently they were so thirsty to cut us off they put a stop payment on thousands of claims but didn't take the holiday into account smh.
For anyone who wants to see the screen shots I can happily send them. Down voting me isn't helping your paranoid ass get your money. I'm trying to help. I didn't get paid either.
@bornsinner It's back up on the website now

*** Important Update: The VEC is aware of a situation concerning benefit payments covering the week ending September 4, 2021. The issue primarily concerns the PUA program. There has been a delay in issuing some of the payments to those who are under this benefit program. We are working to resolve the situation and will post another update here as additional information becomes available.

@bornsinner Did anyone not complete the pua document upload that expired on Sept. 4th? I didn't because the few times I tried there was an issue with the system...and when I went back to it after the 4th, it was due on the 4th and I haven't been paid.

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