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Hey! Does anyone have any contact info for someone I can ask about the status of a pin number? Or able to change it? They randomly stopped allowing people to claim without it but not giving anyone an estimate on when the mail would arrive. I’m really frustrated because i’m feeling stuck. Any help or advice is greatly appreciated. Thank you
@anonymosib Vec takes forever to do anything. You should’ve gotten a letter with your pin on. More than once. B/c it’s the same pin as the original UI claim. They sent it again for PUA if you didn’t qualify for UI. Then when the PUA changed there system they sent it again. So at least 3 times. I think I got it like 4 times b/c they went one randomly once time lol. You should’ve wrote it down somewhere when you first received a pin.
@resjudicata thank you for you reply. i’m asking for my boyfriend and he’s been claiming PUA since last summer and wasn’t required to use a pin to file until finding out on a couple weeks ago on gov2go with like a day notice.
@anonymosib He still got a PIN number more than once. My parents are on PUA and they gotten it more than once too. Word of advice anything that is important like a PIN number always write it down somewhere or keep the letter vec sent you with the PIN number on it, in a safe location. I have all my documents in vanilla folder in my drawer. Only think he can really do is try calling but vec takes FOREVER to do anything. It’s so annoying

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