[Virginia] Anyone else receive this for PUA today 9/26/20?

@resjudicata Whether you get the state minimum or max is based on your income... THATS why they need the new documents. If you’re getting the minimum (158) but “deserve” more because you MADE more, you have to send proof.
@conner007 Same- getting kinda nervous with all this even though I’ve done nothing wrong lol. All the vague updates & confusing explanations of the diff kind of UI during this has been super stressful.
@conner007 They will require proof of losing employment like IL and MA started/have started doing. So you will need to prepare other type of documents to show you were really impacted.

IDES already denied benefits some people who did only a few uber trips in 2020 and claimed PUA. I imagine other states will do the same.

The last round of audit, IL pointed out over 100k fraud cases on PUA system.
@jontue I haven’t been on PUA and I received the same notification. Seems like a blast email that might effect some but not all. Nothing for me to react to based on my UI history and benefit programs I’ve been paid from from what I can see.
@jontue I got that email this morning too. I'm thinking they're indirectly saying that they're changing the maximum from $158 to $378 and we can get a increase in benefits if we show proof of how much we were making. Either way it says Monday it'll be on the timeline so just have it ready.
@beautyinsteadofashes $158 is the minimum.. that’s what they sent out to everyone to make sure they got the emergency money... but some people should’ve gotten more because they earned more... so based on your income, you get between 158 and 378. You have to submit new paperwork proof to show you deserve more than the minimum.
@rh23986 So this is different than the $600, this an increase in base pay for self employed? Also what is the difference between PEUC and PUA. I was self employed and worked a job, but I only got base pay from job I worked, I filed appeal back in March and they sent letter telling me I would get an appeal date, but never did. Is this what the increase is about and should I file for PUA also? I thought I was only to file for PEUC
@jontue I received the same message, and now I see on the GOV2GO app that it now has “LWA Initial Claim Filing” as an option. Are we supposed to do that if we’ve been receiving PUA, or wait til Monday? That option says if you don’t file by the 30th, you don’t qualify for back pay, so I’m nervous about waiting if I’m not supposed to.
@gottlieb I know we don’t have to do the LWA but do we have to respond to the email? Because I’m a free lancer and I stated all of this on my initial application so how would I be able to provide my earning building is shut down?
@summersja Idk how credible it is, but I saw earlier where someone said that their friend got in touch with someone from the VEC. They said that it’s an optional document for only those who want an increase.

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