Virgin Money M Plus Saver increased its rate to 2.00% Gross (2.02 AER)


New member
On balances up to 25K, anything over 25K only gets 1.5% Gross.

Worth noting for high rate tax payers this would push them over the £500 tax free allowance per year.

Also, no news on if the Current account will have an interest rate rise. As that always had the 2% interest on the first £1,000.

I know there are better options out there currently, but its good to see the banks at least trying to be competitive.
@marrek I’m sure in the coming weeks and months we will have even better rates. Banks need to stay competitive, especially in this economical climate. I think we all have our eyes on Chase right now waiting for a bombshell 2.5% rate 😁 wishful thinking!
@mckeehan I don’t reckon Chase are going to budge. Obviously it’s just opinion but they’ve been off the pace for several months now. My cashback is still going so I leave it open but they have constant technical problems. I wouldn’t leave my savings in there, typical luck would be app is down when you need to get at them…
@lisadaisy Thats possible. We don’t know what their strategy is, it’s entirely possible they are happy with the deluge of new customers they got from their initial 1.5% rate plus cash back.

Funny you mention app issues. Their app is currently down right now! Myself and my partner both getting bad gateway error.
@timberlake Oh absolutely. If I remember right, Chase has a 10 year goal in the UK to start offering other financial services. Maybe credit cards, mortgages etc. They want everyone in their ecosystem so when that day comes it makes a lot of sense to use their other services.
@mckeehan Worth flagging that Virgin has some of the worst customer support, app and customer practices going. Had a really terrible experience and won't be going back even if they lead the market in interest rates.
@ellann2 Yeah I’ve always heard bad things. Not to mention their bank is split into various legacy customer sets which makes open banking a pain in the arse or impossible for new customers.
@ellann2 I pulled my money out as their app hard crashed to the point it wouldn't ever reboot up again. Forced me to re-install it again and that was a ballache to do. Moved it to Chase which is now also proving to be less reliable than it was AND it can take a minute or to for even internal account transfers to show up.

I've just had an AMEX Platinum CB card approved, so I'll be using that for the CB side of things now and pay off that bill every month from the highest APR% account that has a reliable app!

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