Verizon Finalizes $4.8 Billion Yahoo Deal


New member
From The Wall Street Journal:

"Verizon Communications Inc. has agreed to pay $4.8 billion to acquire Yahoo Inc., according to a person familiar with the matter, ending a drawn-out auction process for the beleaguered internet company.

The price tag, which includes Yahoo’s core internet business and real estate, is a remarkable fall for the Silicon Valley web pioneer that once had a market capitalization of more than $125 billion at the height of the dot-com boom.

For Verizon, the deal simply adds another piece to the digital media and advertising business it is trying to build.

The deal is expected to be announced early Monday. The price was earlier reported by Bloomberg News."
@john446 AOL sells for all of Microsofts online properties as of a deal that happened a year ago. Microsoft still owns MSN, Outlook, XBox, etc, but no longer has an ads team. It's a rev share deal with AOL.

Microsoft has prioritized search internally. They recently ramped up their Bing sales team, taking strategic sales back in house, incidentally from Yahoo!, who was acting as their Bing sales reps for about 5 years.

(Former Microsoft employee here)
@digitaldew was an Internet radio company founded as AudioNet in September 1995 by Christopher Jaeb. Todd Wagner and Mark Cuban later led the organization and eventually sold to Yahoo! on April 1, 1999 for $5.7 billion
@digitaldew Any one have a rough calculation of the fair value of shell Yahoo post core sale? I remember reading the Bloomberg article but those numbers are stale.

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