USAA Life Insurance Doubled their Rate, is this Normal?


New member
I did the questionnaire for a USSA Life Insurance Policy and got quoted at $37 a month. I am a pretty healthy guy, but I still figured that rate would go up slightly after the blood work, urinalysis, etc. Well they set me up at this appointment with Quest Diagnostics and the place had a 2.8 star review, so I thought man this is going to be a crappy visit. While they did my blood pressure there was another nurse on the phone with her screaming kid. They did 3 tests for blood pressure, and the first one went through normal. For the next one the lady doing the reading start talking to me about having kids and this actually spiked my blood pressure reading and she said sorry about that, so for the 3rd one she said she wouldn't distract me and that one was normal. I figured they did 3 so they could get a good baseline and the 2nd one would be thrown out because it was abnormal.

Well I talked to USAA today and they said that everything came back great except for the 2nd of 3 blood pressure tests and because of that my rate was going to be $75. I explained the situation and they said sorry but there is nothing they could do. They said I could pay out of pocket to do another 3 readings, but those would just be averaged out with the previous 3... so essentially that one flawed 30 second blood pressure reading could cost me an additional $13,000 over the life of the plan.
@kuhao1806 Seek out an insurance broker in your area and let them do the shopping around.

Insurance doesn't cost anything until it's put in force so I'd pass on this one.
@kuhao1806 Late reply, I know, but the same thing happened to me. Having a kid, everything was good except the blood pressure readings, rate nearly doubled up to $87 / month.

I think it must've put us into the "Preferred" tier instead of "Preferred Plus", which comes with a higher rate. Shopping around now and seeing rates that are $40/month cheaper than what I pay with USAA.

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