US -> Korea Tax Question


New member
Hey all, I moved from the US to Korea in late July 2022. I have a few questions about filing my US taxes.
  1. Because I’m not eligible for the FEIE, I should be filing the Foreign Tax Credit, correct?
  2. I have absolutely nothing interesting about my tax situation besides living overseas - no dependents, no assets, just some student loan debt and a couple of regular US bank accounts. Would I be okay just filling online through some sort of system like H&R Block? I don’t want to spend a ton of money if I don’t have to.
  3. Are there any other forms I should be aware of filing? I’ve been under the FBAR threshold. I think my boss mentioned something about a health care exemption form.
Thank you in advance!
@blundercreek Yep. File for an automatic extension and then file the return once you meet the 330 day limit. (If you’re likely to owe on the money you earned in the first half of the year, you can pay some money with the extension so you don’t get hit with interest and penalties on that - the extension gives you more time to file but not to pay)

Alternately depending on your residency status in Korea you might qualify for the FEIE on the basis of being a “bona fide resident” which doesn’t have the 330 day requirement.

Healthcare exemption would only apply for a state tax return (I know California and MA have individual mandates for example) - if that’s relevant, just follow the instructions to indicate you were living abroad in the relevant months)

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