US CPI 7.1% YoY vs 7.3% expected, 0.1% MoM vs 0.3% expected

@agnosticusmexicanus Everyone thinking inflation has been beaten and that rates will be cut soon leads to all the behaviour that pushes inflation up in the first place. I still think this has got a long way to go yet, and a lot more interest rates rises here than people are expecting.
@masterduckie You can't really extrapolate seasonally adjusted figures like that.

In reality, Dec, Jan and Jun are the historically highest seasonally adjusted CPI rates in the USA.

I'm not arguing that things are starting to look under control, all things being equal. Just that it isn't as rosy a 2.4% just yet.
@resjudicata Well if food was 0.5% then annualised, it comes in at 6% so still well under 12% and clearly headed in the right direction. Also food is not the biggest expense for most people, shelter is.
Well if food was 0.5% then annualised, it comes in at 6% so still well under 12% and clearly headed in the right direction.

A car accelerates from a stand still through a school zone. Just before a crossing, the driver lifts his foot to 9/10ths accelerator instead of the foot to the floor. The car hits a kid on the crossing. But because he was at 9/10ths throttle instead of full throttle, he only hit him at 108km/hr instead of 110km/hr. The car exits the school zone at a speed of 130km/hr instead of 135km/hr had he kept the accelerator floored.

But because the driver slightly reduced his rate of acceleration, come sentencing, the judge took into consideration that he was headed in the right direction.

That's you. That's your understanding of how this works.
@resjudicata Correct. My previous reply got auto-deleted.

But seeing people mock others who are struggling to deal with 10+% YoY food price increases is peak AusFin.

People here don't touch grass. Every day I visit this sub that observation becomes more self evident.

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