US CPI 7.1% YoY vs 7.3% expected, 0.1% MoM vs 0.3% expected

Previous reading was 7.7% YoY and 0.4% MoM

AUDUSD has moved from 0.6780 to 0.6860 as of time of posting.
S/P March23 futures moved from 4050 to a high of 4180 (+3.2%) immediately off the figure, now resting about halfway up at 4120 (+1.6-1.7%).
@deafmommy I think annualised the inflation in the past month is something like 2.5%. That's what matters. These numbers like 7.1% will always be high because we've just had a period of very strong inflation. Monthly changes show a better picture of what is happening right now, and it's looking positive.
@hman Me too. Can weirdly watch it on repeat. Lucky it's on multiple streaming services so I can flick between them even if one takes it away.
@agnosticusmexicanus There's a bit of an ongoing thing between inflationistas and disinflationistas, figured I'd summarise a bit, just one aspect of it.

Chart 1 - annual inflation history

That chart has a bad Y axis for my purposes - it would be better if it started a zero, but just imagine it does. Inflation in US is at 7.1%. That's very high, miles above the 2% US target, nowhere near.

Chart 2 - monthly inflation history

This chart shows that most of that 7.1% in Chart 1 happened 6 months ago and earlier. For the past 5 months, inflation is slower.
@dmit5487ivan So does this mean yoy inflation drops off a cliff in 2023 (I mean in theory, provided no other shocks etc) since yoy will begin being baselined against the higher prices of 2022?

Historically does yoy inflation plummet once you hit the anniversary of say the first rate hike + whatever months delay there is for impact?
@kara1991 "Base effects" are a thing, but it depends on how long the inflation episode lasts. Prices can just continue increasing. I mean, our reference episodes, like the '70s that people talk about, predate the current inflation targeting regimes.

If this keeps up though, then, yeah, it'll just mechanically drop by roughly the difference between the month that falls out of the 12 window and the latest month, every month.

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