Urgent care charging me for 30 minutes when I saw the doctor for less than 10


New member

I’m being charged for a 30 minute urgent care visit when I saw the doctor for less than 10 minutes. I had a strep test done, and they told me to wait in the exam room for 20 minutes. It was negative (which I was alerted to in my Chart app on my phone), and they came in and sent me home.

I’m being told by the billing department they can charge me for 30 minutes because that’s how long they “spent in my account.” That’s great, but I wasn’t given the option to await my results at home- how are they able to charge me for forcing me to wait in the exam room?

Additionally, my boyfriend ALSO went to urgent care the day before (we were both sick) and had the exact same experience- tested for strep, told to wait in the exam room for 20 minutes while the test ran, and sent home after it was negative. He got his bill shortly before me, and was only charged for a 10 minute visit! This is the main reason I believe my bill should be reduced. Are there any laws regarding this? I’m just confused how we can be in the exact same situation, but I’m being charged $300 while he’s being charged $100.

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