Upper Middle Class After Almost Failing College

@resjudicata How so? You just jumped to a conclusion. I simply asked if you thought you were the first person to think of it.

You sound young, immature, and like you lack knowledge. Taking advantage of legal tax strategy is not a loophole. Go google the definition of "loophole."
@resjudicata Yet again, third response in a row from you just ignoring the fact that you're wrong and I called you out for being wrong. Take some ownership and have a little accountability. It'll go a long way in life, versus trying to use someone's internet name against them.
@gwwhaley I usually spend like $2-3k on food. I cook all my food, and my grocery bills were $40-50/week.

Now, with inflation, I spend about $50-60 on groceries, and now I eat out 2-3 meals/week.
@faze Like Pasta for lunch with some fresh vegetables (broc/beans/zuccuni) with chicken breast.

Dinner is usually whatever meat is on sale for that week with a recipe I can find online.
@shorebird1581 I looked at O&G in the PNW (entire west coast tbh) because I love the area, but the pay is less, and the COL is higher. You end up losing on both sides of that equation.
@shorebird1581 Lmao why would you initiate that convo, they know they don’t pay well. They don’t have a problem. You’re there complaining about a non-problem. Everyone knows people “decide with their feet”—if it was a problem you’d get up and leave. You functionally don’t act as if it’s a true problem, just a concern, and concerns get no attention
@timnx44 I had that convo with my employer and was able to increase the pay of our team. My compensation doubled in 2.5 years, and they have actually been able to retain technical people.
@chonstance That’s a hopeful outcome but not standard. I’ve had this same convo twice because there’s no problem asking. I’m just emphasizing your cheap labor ain’t always a problem
@chonstance He's right tbh. Our CEO gave us a speech in 2023 and he basically said they wouldn't be increasing salaries due to the inflation because they target "middle of the market" salaries, and that's what they pay.
@hwereson Have you thought about investing in an IRA? Or is your investments tab also contributing to one?

Also 3,500 towards charity? I'm really impressed. I wish I could give that much. Just don't have the mean at the moment, unfortunately.
@resjudicata I'm right at the limits of contributing to a Roth IRA, and one of the years I did so, I overcontributed and I had to pull money out. It was such a pain for very little money so I decided it just wasn't worth the hassle. I maxed out my Roth contributions when I was making under ~115k.

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