[Update] Relocated to KL with >60% Income Cut

@sparklingangel To be fair, I didn’t give it much thought before renting since it was on a short notice so I signed a 1 year tenancy agreement a little bit further from my office at PJ. I knew I was going to get a car either way so I thought the commute won’t be too bad.
@dazza_73 I remembered your post! Glad everything has turned out well.

Glad that you're also proving to the sub that not everything is about money- you're probably still youngish and prefer more exposure and stimulation to the bright city lights of KL. Money is important but is not everything and certainly not the be all and end all.
@dazza_73 What industry are you in? Glad to hear you're doing well.
As a fellow outstation based sales guy I admire your courage to move to KL. I'd do the same if I'm younger.

With 2 kids and wife tho I'm content just enjoying the work life balance.

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