Unreasonably low loss-of-income payout.


New member
AB Commercial. Hi pros. Long story short, my AB short-term rental unit got flooded by two units above me. I have up to $250k loss of income insurance. After being jerked around for four months, I finally got the first three months worth of loss-of-income payout.

And it was unreasonably low. I average 2k a month, and the payout was just under $1.3k a month, not even enough to cover the minimum expenses.

I also do my own cleaning, which I emphasized is part of my income. I did the math, where even after being paid out for zero for cleaning fees (because there was nothing to clean), it’s still too low to make sense.

A phone call is in order, to hear him explain the breakdown and the math, but I was hoping someone more experienced can provide some insights and advice.

For what it’s worth, the restoration has no end date yet. Probably won’t be done for another three months minimum. And also, my adjuster hasn’t proven himself to be terribly reliable (asked me three times for the same document over the course of the four months, two spaced-out emails to get one response).

Thanks in advance.

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