Uninsured Sibling (WA)


New member
Recently learned my sibling (26F) is uninsured and does not have her car registered in WA. Her expiration expired in April. I found out the information about estimated cost for registration is about $40. After research on Reddit and seeing expired registration tabs here, I don’t think the registration is a major issue.

I want to help her get car insurance and I’ve been looking at quotes for her. I’ve offered to pay the bill upfront and she pay me back each month.

I’m curious if it’s even safe to be in the car with her. What would happen to me because she is uninsured?

She doesn’t even seem to know the consequences of not having insurance and seems to have a f**k the system mentality.

Any help, advice, suggestions appreciated 🫣🫠
@synthesis If she is at fault in an accident, you would have absolutely zero coverage for any medical expenses you have as a passenger. Same for her, and same for the car. Likewise, she’d be liable for all damages, physical and medical, to the other car which will almost certainly bankrupt her.

If Washington adopts a “no pay, no play” law, then even if your sister wasn’t at fault, she would not be able to collect any insurance payout. Neighboring state Oregon has a no pay, no play law.

If she’s the greatest driver in the world, okay then. But spoiler: she isn’t, and she’s one of the biggest problems in the insurance industry. Thank you for trying your best to fix her issue.
@raphacam All I have is Google, which I did real fast to give my best answer for OP. I’m not a lawyer so I don’t know the full extent of their laws. Thank you for your added info!
@georgia56 Thank you for this info. Our mom and grandma are coming into town soon and I don’t want them riding with her. She texts and drives, ?sometimes watches podcasts and smokes weed while driving. Thankfully I have my own car here.
@synthesis She needs insurance more than anyone else in the world then. She’s one “oops” away from needing to file bankruptcy and having to live with the PTSD of killing someone while driving.

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