Unethical or illegal?


New member
As of about four months ago, my landlord passed away due to cancer. Last time we spoke I asked him about not receiving my receipts for my paid rent on time coming to fix sent that he was supposed to close back up for some maintenance which never happened and since then I’ve been in operable today I was in my living room, and I heard on the front lawn to tenants discussing my rent and that I was behind and that they were going to have me sign some papers to eventually get evicted among many other questions, my main one is simply how illegal is it for your lease holder to have open discussions with the entire building about your status? In addition, no one has ever contacted me about an update to me where to send the vet who is in charge as of now or anything and I still have the same info on file so it’s not like they can’t reach out or didn’t have the opportunity and I shouldn’t be the last to know that my rent has been going to nowhere and most of all find out third-party

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