Uneducated 20 y/o Please Help


New member
I’ve been trying to figure this out on my own but I keep hitting brick walls, so any help or advice is well appreciated.

I’m a 20 y/o woman in Florida and I have been taken off of my parent’s insurance since just turning 19 (lovely stepmom’s idea), I live in my own home, and I have recently been laid off of my job and my health insurance that comes with it will be dropping. I don’t use it often - typically only for an OBGYN and my doctor for birth control. But since looking around on my own for individual health insurance plans, I can’t find anything that is affordable or reliable.

Does anyone have any suggestions of insurance companies that will take a 20 year old and will be accepted by an OBGYN? I was previously with Cigna hut can’t easily navigate getting a quote for an individual plan (yes I will be calling them soon lol).

Thank you in advance :)

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