Understanding the Ministry of Finance/Zaimusho


New member
I'm fairly familiar with how the NTA works due to my job, but I'm more ignorant about the MoF than I'd like to admit. I'm aware that it played a significant role during the economic rise of Japan, similar to the way China is currently managing its economy, but I'm not quite sure of its positioning now (other than how it interacts with the NTA). I always see comments about how the MoF has power over some politician or policy decision or that they're focused on 財政健全化, but I'd like to know more about the history and power dynamics of the ministry from a relatively neutral perspective if possible.

Can you guys recommend any books on the political aspect of the MoF from a relativey neutral perspective? I tried looking for books on Amazon, but many of them seem biased one way or another. The language can be English or Japanese, both work for me.
@detroitprpty1 I’d start with 財務省と政治 from 中央公論新社. A bit dated (2015) and doesn’t cover the post Abe reforms but still worth a read if you want to get a sense of its historic rise and influence over politics. The author was a former Nikkei journalist

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