Understanding health insurance

@kylie26 It means you don't have to hit a certain threshold (your deductible) before you pay coinsurance. If you look at most medical plans, each service is usually a copay or coinsurance percentage. (IE- 20% after the deductible or 20%, deductible does not apply). If you have a zero dollar deductible and a certain service is 20% coinsurance, that's what you'll pay, no deductible needed.

Out of pocket max is the most you'll pay out of pocket for all of your medically necessary in-network charges. So if you have surgery that costs 10K and you pay 20% coinsurance, you'll pay 2K and your plan will pick up the rest. that 2K will track towards your out of pocket max for the year (along with your copays, Rx, office visits, etc.). Once you hit your out of pocket max, your insurance plan will pick up 100% of medically necessary services and Rx.

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