UK expat worked in TX for 21 years. Question about obtaining govt pension from both countries


New member
I have full credits for USA social security when I retire in a couple of years, and I have approx' 65% of contributions paid during my earlier working life in the UK. Am I entitled to both, or is that double dipping?
@jurasicd Entitled to both. However US side will adjust your US social security payment downwards due to a clause called Windfall Elimination Provision (originally put in place to adjust for non-Social Security US government and union pensions but hitting foreign pensions too). Need to inform US side, probably reduces by around $550/month maximum. Suggest go to, search for “WEP fact sheet”. Good luck!
@jurasicd Depending on the social security treatment, it may be possible to transfer credits from one country to the other. This could eliminate the mess of having to deal with two countries' social security systems and the WEP in the US.

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