UHC Denied Coverage for an MRI and I Paid Out of Pocket


New member
Hey y'all, I need someone to talk to me like I'm a four year old, because I absolutely DO NOT understand health insurance and how any of this works. And please bear with me, this is a long post.

I have been experiencing pretty severe back pain for the last couple of years. Severe enough to leave me bed ridden for days at a time. I married my partner and got on his health insurance plan. I went to an orthopedic surgeon, and they recommended I go to physical therapy.

I did so for about 6 weeks, and started to feel a little better. The PT discharged me and told me to continue my exercises at home, which I did along with swimming and yoga.

However, I still always felt this lingering sensation that if I were to do something wrong, or move abruptly, I would experience the pain again.

And it happened. I wasn't even doing anything strenuous or heavy. I reached to my right to pick something up and was incapacitated once more.

I went back to my orthopedic surgeon and she recommended that I get an MRI.

Health insurance denied coverage since they said I needed to go back to physical therapy. I tried several times and they denied me each time, so I took it upon myself to pay out of pocket for the MRI.

I got the results back today and I have disc protrusions at my L3-4 and L4-5 which will require some injections.

My question is, since there was a valid reason for me to get the MRI done, would it be possible to get my health insurance to reimburse me the amount I had to pay out of pocket for the MRI?

(31 y/o F in Texas 78617)
@aquaprin90 Yes, appeal it formally in writing. If your doctor will write a letter stating that additional physical therapy would not have made a difference to your care and the next step injections, you may win. Also, document that you previously completed a course of physical therapy that did not resolve tbe problem. Good luck!

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