U.K. Crisis Spills Into U.S. Junk Debt

Do we really have to buy all these exotic derivatives just for some yield?

Basically - yes.

It's just more of the secular decline that's characteristic of the last 20+ years - risks associated with investing in real economic activity are so high and returns so low that those who own quality collateral won't invest there. At all.

So they're stuck playing with low-risk instruments in a low-rate environment. Whether you're a pension fund who has to grow assets to keep up with expected future drawdowns, or a hedge fund manager who has to grow assets to keep investors from pulling out liquidity, your only real options for yield are to find ways to add risk to your portfolio that carries adequate return.

The only place left is in the "derivatives - on - ledger assets" game. All of which is basically some form of leverage.
@kate930 I still just love how a Thatcher-ite crusader took office in the UK, with big plans for tax cuts and deregulation, and about a week later she's overseeing a massive taxpayer bail-out of the investment industry
@kate930 Since late September, US junk debt yield (using HYG SEC 30-day yield) has dropped 15 basis points, which implies that there is no repricing due to this, or a very slight downwards one.

CLO equity tranche funds like ECC are interesting

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