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I'm 25 y/o looking at buying a house in the next 1-2 years, I live on the border of kildare/Dublin. For me to apply for a mortgage right now I could get a 2 bedroom or save up longer and get a 3 bedroom. I was wondering is it better to wait till I have enough for a 3 bed. I think a 2 bed would suit my needs for the foreseeable future however a 3 bed I think is better in the long term and I could rent out an extra room.

The way I currently see it, the sooner ya get on the property ladder the better and while I'm saving for a 3 bedroom the prices could go up again and again until its out of my reach however a 2 bed may be less sellable in the future as 3 beds are more in demand. Any advice or people with similar experience?
@opticalearth I purchased my first home and was originally looking for a 2BR as well. A 3BR is no doubt much more practical and attractive to re-sell.

However, it’s really just a question of opportunity cost. Are you currently renting? How long would it take you to save up to buy a 3BR? Building equity in a home as soon as possible is the conventional wisdom for a reason!
@opticalearth Then that's 3-4 years at least of renting until you're in a house taking into consideration the house hunting.

I'd get the 2 bed, if you need more space later you extend, build a garden room, trade up etc.

Also as there is so much demand that isn't drying up you could find yourself saving up just to keep up with the creeping house prices.
@opticalearth These prices are if you stay where you are, but if you move away from Dublin, you could get a 3 bed now. Not sure of your circumstances with work etc, but a little commute couldn't hurt.
3 beds in Wexford are going for 300.

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