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This is going to come off as a dumb question but I’ll ask anyways. Is there a way to verify if your investments are being matched?

From my understanding if 5% of your base pay is invested all year then up to 5% will be matched by TSP.

I’ve been pretty poor at investing into my TSP since joining the navy 7 years ago, and most of my time in I was putting 4% into the G-Fund.

The past two years i increased to 10% and moved mostly into C and I-Fund. Any helpful comments would be more than appreciated.

Thanks for your time.
@aslan3154 To check to see if you are getting matched it is on your LES. Just above the remarks section you will see “CM AGCY CONTR”, “AGCY-AUTO” is the automatic 1%, “AGC-MATCH” is the other 4%. You should also look on the TSP site to make sure that money is being deposited into your account. You were smart to move your money out of the G Fund and into C and I Fund. I personally have mine 70% C, 15% in both I and S.
@aslan3154 You may not be in BRS. 2018 was the auto enrollment in BRS and if you were in prior to 2018 you had to opt into it on myPay. If you did opt into it, you need to go to your finance office and put in a DWOWS case. I’m pretty sure Navy uses DWOWS over CMS.
@aslan3154 If you stay for 20 years you're not an idiot at all for taking the traditional 50% at retirement and also investing in the TSP. Quite smart actually, even if by mistake, lol.

Also it was a good move to get out of G and diversify across the stock funds!
@aslan3154 To be honest, you are not alone. There are a lot of people in the military who have no clue. You are doing a good thing by taking advantage of TSP. I was ignorant to its benefits when I first joined in 2003 and I wish an NCO would have pushed it more for me then. It’s my mission now to push its benefits to my new junior enlisted.
@aslan3154 Question: Do you still go through your MyPay even on High 3 to invest in your TSP? If so, is it the same site those on the BRS access to manage the funds in our TSP that we have been contributing to?
@javierc1987 Yes it is all the same for both BRS and Legacy. MyPay at the bottom left side says “Thrift Savings Plan (TSP)” click on that and then the pencil on the bottom right and you can adjust contributions there. Also the TSP is the exact same for all government employees. Military accounts are labeled uniform services and if you switch to the civilian side you would get a second account labeled civilian on the TSP site.
@talitha1031 Awesome. I had some buddies who didn't transition to BRS and stayed in High 3. I wasn't sure how that worked, but i will relay that info to them and encourage them to invest and manage those funds. Thanks for the response.

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