Trying to get ahead can be really depressing..

@ilearn I've got ahead and maintaining that is exhausting. I don't yet have a house though. But I'm working 65 hours a week. It feels like life is earning money, paying bills then dying.
@danman02 We have been doing homestays since last year. Yes, there is a cost to it (electricity, food, snacks for the student) but for me it probably only adds up to $ 50-75 per student per week at the most. Especialy if you are already cooking meals for your family, doesn't cost a lot to include 1 more person.
@ilearn Yes unfortunately. We have nothing to cut back on besides home internet and $20 pre paid cell phone plans. I walk everywhere we have one car and are a family of 5. It’s really tough out there right now you’re not alone it sucks but I hope it will get better one day. I did find changing to kiwi electric and doing everything in my free hour of power daily beneficial I got my summer bill down to $17-$19 a week. Also only shop at pak n save now. I do check supermarket apps for somethings that can be on huge specials eg cat biscuits on special are $10 cheaper at new world this week so I walk there for those.
@ilearn The hard thing about getting ahead financially is the only way is either reduce costs or earn more. I’d look at both, even if you could learn on the job to a better salary etc. hard to fix in the short term and as mentioned by others living costs and interest rates are killer right now
@ilearn I'm same, I have the same left-over after mortgage, bills, and food, $100-200pw. Painfully little. I don't go anywhere because a 1.5hr return trip costs $60 and that's a big part of my savings gone for the week.

So I'm just holed up at home, for 2yrs now, single, feels very isolating. I do the same, I watch TV or read (= escapism). I'm also studying part time in Uni, one of the subsidized 0 cost online skilled course, using this time to learn a skill. And I work remotely, WFH full time, so really a full hermit.

I tried to start a side hustle, but I have ADHD so doing anything for longer than 2 weeks instead of chasing the next big idea isn't really working out, unfortunately. So far I have lost money, rather than gained anything. 😅

I'm hoping it will get better, but it sucks to lose 2+ yrs of my life for nothing, to feed capitalism and pay taxes, while being skinned alive. If I get a salary increase grocery costs get inflated to ensure they definitely steal every last cent I have, or I get an email about electricity cost increase, or the interest goes up. Insidious. You can't win.
It’s something I’m now seriously considering, it’s not ideal as it’s a small place.. it is what it is 😓
@ilearn At the moment, i have negative savings every week yet work over 50 hours. It's not uncommon, and there's nothing wrong with hiking.
I figure that my financial situation won't be forever, and infact its been a lot better in the past.

Sometimes, my spare time is spent on a 'side income' or flogging unused stuff on trademe.
@ilearn I hate myself for not at all feeling sorry for anyone complaining about the cost of living crisis while having a mortgage. You've secured yourself a house, unlike the majority of people in this now godforsaken country. Appreciate what you have, it's more than most.
@ilearn Please don't complain about doing it tough when you have mortgage. Try renting. It's like having a mortgage except it's more expensive, you have four rental inspections a year where a stranger takes eight photos of your bedroom, the landlord doesn't fix anything, and every Christmas all you can think about is "I hope the landlord renews the lease another year".
@ilearn You guys need to switch jobs to get better salaries.

Edit: ok downvoters then don't switch and stay. Your choice. A job is a voluntary decision. Not an obligation. You guys want to complain about 8 hours of your day for the rest of your lives... Good luck with that

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