Towing company is suggesting to me that it’s not my responsibility to sign release documents after being involved in non fault collision.

So i got into a non fault accident i got rear ended. A tow truck approach us that my car should be towed because it’s not safe to drive so the tow truck took me to the collision reporting center and then after he brought my car to their own yard. My insurance company which is TD bank called me and said i should go to the towing company’s lot and sign a release document. When i got there the tow company is giving me advice that this its not my job to go to them and sign a release form. They should have sent an appraiser/adjuster to their lot to assess the damage of my vehicle they told me to call TD again and ask their appraiser named pete to their lot and TD said that pete is not available. Now the tow truck is advising me that it’s not my problem if their own appraiser isn’t available. Long story short im confused which. Advice to follow, my insurance TD or the tow truck guys? I already signed the release document but said to them to hold on to that because i need to validate their advice about the insurance who doesn’t do their job very well and is taking advantage of me. 🙃
@purposelychosen86 lol this is such classic tow truck behaviour. I’m surprised these guys aren’t regulated more. A few things to always know:
1. You should never let a tow truck hook up to your vehicle if you have other options.
2. Tow truck drivers are just in it to make money and the longer they keep your vehicle, the more money they make
3. Your insurer (TD) is trying to move the vehicle to a safer/better facility for your vehicle. Once there, the appraiser can go and inspect it for damages.
4. Whatever you do READ EVERYTHING AND DO NOT SIGN a work release. Make sure it’s an actual release of your vehicle.

In short, please go sign that release. The tow truck drivers are blatantly lying to you. Sign the release and take a picture of your signature and send it to your insurer ASAP. The longer it sits there the longer it will take, even for you to get your vehicle back.

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