Today at 34 years, 1 month and 2 days old - I hit 100k in my 401k (with company 4 years), and 1M net worth

@resjudicata No. They wouldn’t have. They would have had the same fence. Concrete work. AC. And stove. They would have had to pay all these things on top of their mortgage.

Nothing covered by insurance. All out of pocket. Yes I have an emergency fund just for this property.

And no. Rent will not be reduced. As houses get older they require more maintenance. Not less. One day it’ll need a new roof. A new AC. A new furnace. A new water heater. New fridge. New stove. New dish washer.

That doesn’t stop. That’s why rents remain the same. Or go up. (Higher insurance. Higher property taxes).

Her rent will remain the same for one more year. Due to covid. In another year it’ll go up to $900 and remain that for three years.
@resjudicata I could have put away an extra $100 a month if my grocery store don’t take a profit, another $100 if my auto insurance don’t take a profit, $50 if fuel company don’t take a profit. I can go on forever if you want.
@bdaroowala If they can’t afford rent most likely they cannot afford to own a home either.

This isn’t the fault of of landlords.

There is government assurance programs for folks like this and FHA for those who have good credit.
@thespiritoftruth It doesn’t but I’m not going to leave or stop organizing and educating. There are people that need help and there are people living comfortably that could have a lot more freedom if things were different. I want to help make sure that could one day happen.
@bdaroowala I can both be upset that people can't afford food but that doesn't equate to being angry at farmers, chefs, or restaurants that profit from the sale of food. I want to live in a world where people don't go hungry but the food industry is not the reason people go hungry.
@lovemyricecooker Well it’s certainly part of the reason though right? If they were giving it away then it follows that this problem wouldn’t exist.

You are right though. The industry isn’t the root cause of the issue, it is deeper than that.

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