
New member
Why work a corporate job, alright pay, long hours, no free time, etc. as opposed to starting a business ? Generally curious.
@jims2011 Depends on the business you start, but I would argue you get a lot more free time in a 9 to 5 than starting your own business.
@jims2011 I guess the main reason majority of the population end up in a 9-5 job is security. People like to feel secure, in their comfort zone, knowing the paycheck will come at the end of the month. Also, majority of us grow up listening to our parents/society say "go to school, get a job", so when we reach adulthood, large part are "programmed" to do so. Plus, starting a business isn't for everyone and requires a set of skills/characteristics only available to a small percentage of the population.
@searchingstudent Odds aren’t technically in your favor, but persevering through them and building something massive is the goal. Quit my job last year and did over $150,000 from Feb-December, all profit ! Build from nothing , and never spent a dollar on advertising
@jims2011 I wouldn't, under any reason, start a business in software. It is too risky, stressful, unstable... but I do get well payed in software 9-5 job. Plus, it is actually 11-7, some remote working, extra vacation days, traveling, stocks, etc.

I would open a "pretty boring" business, like a bookstore, a cafe or a flower store (or all 3 in a single location). But I am not ready to give up my life as an engineer. I have a lot more space to grow. Will reconsider once I feel I have reached the ceiling.
@jims2011 Risk is way too high. Personality has to fit. Lots of luck involved (overall market circumstances, finding the niche, having the right skills...).

Besides, most articles I've read about people quitting the normal work cycle end up working much more per week than at a normal job, which is 35-40 hours.

The American mantra of "JuST sTaRt yOUr oWN BuSInESs" is not attractive in a situation where you have good working conditions, great social safety nets and a high chance of attaining more (over a long period of time) than being a small business owner or an entrepreneur. Not to mention that the 9 to 5 can also be a job that people like or even love to do.
@jims2011 I’m not speaking from personal experience since I strongly dislike typical jobs, but many people prefer them for the stability.

There is plenty of literature on the subject. Look up propensity for entrepreneurship in labor economics.

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