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I am a 29 y/o male, about a year married with a new born. I love my family, hence why I keep thinking how I can better my future. Consequently they’ll have a better one too if I do.

Little back story.

I’ve been working at seafood wholesalers for the past 9 years in NY. It is not a bad job, I like what I do, it brings food to my table but the quality of life just doesn’t seem to be there or maybe I'm not realizing how good i have it ? We work overnights only, and are open from monday-friday, off one holiday every month. However I don't see much advancement within the company, the work culture is also very old school ways.

I acquired a Bs in Criminal Justice with a Minor in Fraud Examination, while working this job and graduated in 2020 mid pandemic. I am wondering if making this switch would be something beneficial to me and my family. I was always fascinated with law, but I think that train has already left the station.
I apologize for not giving numbers now…

I am a union worker, however the union that represents us now is not the same one that it used to be. Long story short, the old union had no funds. International stepped in and merged with us. So that’s a plus. We get health, dental, vision.
My contributions are $60 for health weekly, while, 65 for unions dues monthly.

I made around 60,000 last year with no savings.
There’s a pay grade scale but they only use it for entry level, and from then on each wage is mostly personally arranged by the employee and employer.
For example: I would get hired as a forklift operator and will remain that if employee is comfortable with that.
Let me not start with the pension.
Mind you my wife was working and now is not. New York is really hard to afford.
@tonemapped I lived in NYC from 2016 to 2020 with my wife who also worked. Combined income, we made about $115,000 and while we weren’t starving, we weren’t thriving. We left NYC and moved to North Carolina in 2020 and it was the best decision of our lives. You have a kid as well, $60k is not sustainable in NY to support a family.
@bess30598 So me and my wife were also looking at that yearly amount the past two years, and it was do able, now with inflation and price hikes, we are living paycheck to paycheck.

Also why I’m thinking about this leap; because I feel like I’m already at zero even though I have advanced where I am, just not salary wise. While we don’t want to move from New York yet, we feel like we could do it here, it’s just going to be a hard couple of years. I’d rather do my hardest years of probationary period now while my child is a baby, rather than a lot older and harder for us.
@tonemapped Yeah, just also remember you’re 29 with a kid and an out of work wife. I’m assuming you’re not putting anything away for family’s retirement, the kid’s college fund, 529 plans, saving for a house, etc… I know leaving NYC is hard, especially if you got family in the area, but unless you can double your pay within the next few years it’s gonna be tough to survive in NY.
@tonemapped Not joking: you should look at the FBI. We had a recruiter in our area when I was young. It can be fun and interesting. Not sure how often you really get into dangerous situtaions. Maybe you can investigate the seafood industry! You can also retire in 25-30 with a nice pension.

But you can absolutely change careers for the better.

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