Time in the market beats timing the market

@skovc DCA is the way to go… I’ve known that since I was 18 years old and yet always got scared off investing by one or the other « expert » predicting doom and gloom (while we’re at it, don’t touch anything related in any way to the Elliott Wave Theory with a 10-foot pole! Believe me, I’ve learned this the hard way…). I’ve seen it all since 1998 when I first got interested into stock markets: Asian markets bust, Dot com bubble bust, various US economic downturns, Quantum Easing, Greece nearing default, Covid, War in Ukraine, and probably several other events that would have got you convinced that the End of the World as we know it was near and… if you zoom out on a graph you will see that all the downturns are mere glitches on an overall upward trending line. You would have made a LOT more money simply by getting in the market as soon as possible (by a diversified investment like an Index ETF) and just hanged in there, eventually using extra capital to double-down during downturns rather than just sitting on the sidelines waiting for your favorite doom-and-gloom « expert » to advise actually getting in.
@skovc When I was 25, I got my first job out of college. I made it a point to invest at least 1.000 USD a month in an ETF that is linked with the S&P500. I did not care what the market looked like, just kept going. Now living in Europe, worth 200.000 EUR, homeowner.

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