Tiktok is Starting to Hit the Bottom lines of Google (Youtube) and Meta. Will this turn into potential existential threats?

@mariab626 Most of the boomers ITT are unable to see the writing on the walls and are coping hard, as a zoomer it’s completely crazy how much tiktok has grown among young people in the past couple years. It’s definitely an existential threat to Instagram at least IMO, not so much an existential threat to YouTube but still capable of taking a lot of market share from it.
@mariab626 The competitive landscape has changed and TikTok is just one part of it. There are only so many hours in a day and social media, gaming, and streaming are all competing for attention. All platforms will find it more difficult to grow in the future compared to the past. TikTok will face the same difficulties.
@mdhope tiktok can engineer features cheaper as their engineers are in china, per feature cost is higher for google and facebook than tiktok, so unless these companies start massively offshoring lets see.
@mariab626 I’ll give you another perspective that you didn’t ask me: i started to realize that i just scroll on both and never watch anything…my attention span is absolute zero and i think that i’m not alone…
@mariab626 I've knowest that you tube and Facebook's now have shorts, but I also feel that tic tok is becoming a pick-up joint , not much on learning on my end of the Ai scale
@mariab626 So many boomers on here are going to be caught off guard by TikTok's continued growth and gradual replacing of other social media. Its algorithm is by far the most powerful of any social media out there. If you spend a few hours on it the algorithm will have drilled in on you and will force feed you literally endless content. You'll go from laughing at cute animals one video to getting caught in your feels the next, only to follow up with an informative video next. Before you even realize it you've been staring at your phone for 3 hours straight.

It will suck hours of your day so easily if you let it, then crush your attention span so that only TikTok satisfies you any more. The only thing stopping TikTok would be government action.

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