Thoughts on our personal finances so far this year?


New member
For context both N and R are 24, N works as an engineer at a mid-size company, R works as a risk analyst for a large financial services company. We live near Leeds in a 2-bedroom rented flat and own our car (2006 VW Golf). In the remainder of the year our goals are to stop traveling for a bit, pay off the final £750 of debt and start to properly save for our wedding!

Flowchart here
@lwilliams777 No gas and only £505 for a years worth of electricity? Looks too good to be true, well done on keeping those costs down.

I’m in a 2 bed and pay £170 dd a month for gas and electricity combined and £45 a month for water.
@lwilliams777 Ahh that makes sense and your title does say so far this year - it’s only that we typically see these over the course of a year or a typical month.

It looks very good in all, particularly the low amounts you are spending on yourselves and eating out!
@lwilliams777 Sorry I should have read the title 🙈 makes sense. Doesn't seem too bad to be honest. Can't really offer any advice except maybe make more use of the tax savings that a pension offers especially when you reach the higher rate tax band (40%).
@bloodygrace Thank you, yeah working in finance means that R gets way higher pension (14% from the employer if they contribute 8%), whereas N is on 4% from each party (and then we privately invest 6%). Hopefully it becomes more equal in the future...

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