This was on my CE course…am I crazy?


New member
If the driver damaged his car swerving to avoid hitting a deer, which coverage would they need to cover the damage?
A. Medical payments
B. Uninsured motorists
C. Collision
D. Other than collision

I got it wrong because I put C and they are saying the answer is D. Have I been telling customers wrong for 6 years 😅

Edit to add: I read this as they swerved to miss the deer and didn’t hit it.

Also another question was something along the lines of if a squirrel gets in your car and you swerve it’s comprehensive….. I will not be using betterce again 😂
@jjmcubbin I would think you need more information. If he hit something other than the deer, it’s absolutely collision. If he swerved but still hit the deer, it’s comp. Your CE is wrong!
@jjmcubbin Needs more specifics - how was the car actually damaged?

Doesn't say he hit the deer, doesn't say he hit anything else, doesn't say he rolled the car. Doesn't say what sort of damage it is, safety glass or body or mechanical.

He swerved so hard he broke a tie rod end without hitting anything?
@jjmcubbin If you miss the deer entirely and instead hit something else- that’s a collision claim where I work. If swerved but still made contact with the deer then it’s comprehensive. Maybe this is dependent on company? I’m not sure if state departments would have requirements for this specific of a situation to dictate comp vs collision for avoiding an animal
@jjmcubbin Insurance adjuster has literally told me "just hit the deer" we're going to cover that - no questions. Swerve and crash, roll over, hit something or someone else - it's a lot more complicated.
@jjmcubbin this is one of those questions where everything you need is in the question. I said C also and then rolled my eyes because the damage to the car was caused by “swerving” which is stupid.

We’re educated people and our brains filled in the blank about assuming the driver hit something else.
@jjmcubbin Ahh I get it.

The vehicle was damaged swerving.

We are all assuming it hit something. It never says it had a Collison.

The vehicle was damaged making a crazy maneuver avoiding the deer. So clearly it's not a Collison. It's a comp claim.

However. Sounds sus and auto damage adjuster and siu should review further.

Bad worded question
@jjmcubbin This might be state dependent. Here it's recommended to hit the deer and have it be a comprehensive claim. If you drive off the road to avoid the deer and hit a tree, it's an at fault collision claim.

We don't have moose here so it's a more viable strategy.

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