This is how dumb average retail investors are: TWTRQ up 1300% and counting

@resjudicata Whups, forgot to mention this is regarding stocks on the OTCBB (pink sheets)

Disregard this rule for major exchanges like the NYSE, NASDAQ, and exchanges of other countries.
@yuli Is it possible that the owners of this stock sold some with these idiots buying? Maybe the company will be out of bankrupcy now :)

Wow it was up over 12000% at one point.
annnnnnnd there it goes.. people late to the party who bought it at the peak are now down 60+% in a matter of minutes and learned an expensive lesson

The unfortunate part is, some new potential retail investors who get burned on this will lose faith in the stock market writ large and will not be coming back
@soulfunktion1965 It was posted on Google Finance this morning before the market even opened. I saw on the trending stocks part of the page. I laughed myself onto the floor and now I'm thinking, "Damn..."

I don't have any free cash anyways, even if I wanted to gamble...
@resjudicata I forgot to mention that this is only for stocks on the OTCBB, what people refer to as the pink sheets. That rule does not apply for the major stock exchanges like the NASDAQ, NYSE, and exchanges of other countries, which is why someone earlier mentioned Hewlett-Packard's ticker HPQ (although cynics will argue this, too, is ultimately a bankrupt company)

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