This is how dumb average retail investors are: TWTRQ up 1300% and counting

@yuli Reminds me of a story I heard about Cisco. During the dot-com era investors where bidding up Sysco, the food distributor, thinking it was Cisco, the technology company.
@nick714 Do people actually buy into these knowing idiots and people rushing are going to buy into them as well? It would be tempting seeing an uptick and thinking you got in early, only to find out you bought into the wrong one.
@nellyew Exactly what I was thinking. Everyone is saying "dumb retail investors". How many of these buyers were savvy traders remembering that this has happened before and buying for this reason? Some of them just made a lot of cash.
@yuli This stock reached a 7 year high!

Imagine being the person who bout 250K at 0.001 and sold them today at 0.115

This post really needs a special place on the sidebar or in the faq!
Imagine being the person who bout 250K at 0.001 and sold them today at 0.115

yes. that guy got very lucky, everyone else lost their shirt. he's the 1 in 10k "investors". (not likely that anyone bought 250k when this was 0.001).

so we should just tell people "GET LUCKY!" for advice and we should also put this lucky crap shoot up as an example of "Doing it Right." Good idea. ~facepalm~

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