This is how dumb average retail investors are: TWTRQ up 1300% and counting

@bluemoose I was in one of those games years ago. My teacher didn't understand that you should measure the percent of change rather than the nominal change per share. Thus, the kid who picked the equivalent of BRK easily won even though the stock only went up a small percent.

This is all that I remember from that class. If the teacher couldn't get something this basic right though I can only imagine how bad the class content was.
@bluemoose im relatively new to this and just started learning about shorting and what not, but my professor didnt exactly teach how to short on our online program just yet. Im using StockTrack, i see that there is an option to 'Short" this stock at the current bid and ask price is $0.04. what should my trailing/stop $/% be? and my order term? And I have around $400k, how much would you put in?
@kdham000 Throw 50% to 75% of your money in it, don't set a trailing stop, and wait till it drops below $0.02 before covering, because it WILL get there at some point, even if it's not today. Yeah it could temporarily go against you, but this is fake money and you are going against a whole class so you need to take big risks in order to have a shot at winning. It was a much better short a couple hours ago but you can still make a nice profit if you are allowed to trade it for your game.
@kdham000 "what should my trailing/stop $/% be?" - depends on how much $ you wish to risk on the trade. bet sizing and stop levels are among the most important things to learn if trading. figure out how much money you want to risk, what your risk to reward ratio is, and where the best levels are for stops and take-profits.

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