They're now asking for $6k. Drove car into fence and some large hedges. Out of pocket or file a claim?

@hwmson0413 You have literally zero leverage in any negotiation, you are 100% liable. Call your insurance and file a claim, that is literally why they exist. I'm going to assume that the only reason you are even considering thinking about paying out of pocket is because you are uninsured.
@hwmson0413 No, do not negotiate with the owners. Trying to do this can go south fast. Let your insurance handle it, and they’ll have the owner of the property sign a release which will protect you and your carrier in case they try to come back after you for more money
@hwmson0413 Contractor and gardener costs are insane right now. It wouldn’t be unreasonable to ask for additional quotes, but I would be going thru my insurance if I were you.
@hwmson0413 I’m just going to comment on the cost. In front of my house I had several very large planters. The planters were full of really bad construction dirt and nothing would grow in it.
I hired my regular gardener to dispose of three truckloads of dirt, fix the sprinklers, and install new dirt.
I got a bill for $1100.

Over $1000 for literally digging dirt. Stuff is expensive.

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