The Ultimate Investing Checklist

@fp2fg iOS is the next step for the Investing Checklist. I work a full time job and this was done in my spare time. But I should be starting on the iOS version soon - stay tuned!
@irondad92 Is this also a list of metrics a CEO can strive for in managing their company? Is that a thing? Trying to run your company to strive for healthy investor metrics? Are healthy investor metrics indicative of a healthy company or just value opportunities for the investor?
@irondad92 Well the CEO's job is to maximise the share value. Many of these metrics use the share value as a denominator, so if the CEO successfully raises his company's share value, it will do poorly by half of these metrics.
@irondad92 I am running a company - with help of course - and i am quite new. I often think how can I grow this company in a way that would draw the attention of a buffett or a Damodaran type investor? Haha - anyways, thanks for this list!

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