
New member
Rent prices are climbing fast, especially in the Auckland CBD with migrants returning and people moving away from the east coast post cyclone. It’s quite tricky to find places too in Auckland. What has your experience been, both in Auckland and the rest of NZ? How has this impacted other areas of your life?

Rent has significantly increased

Rent has significantly decreased

Rent remained about the same

It was difficult to find somewhere to rent

It was easy to find somewhere to rent
@duleigh Rent has significantly increased, it is easy to find somewhere to rent - if you can afford it. The properties that are available are MANY they just aren’t viable for a lot of people when salary’s haven’t increased in line with other costs
@chefapple Is it really that easy though? My mum and I are struggling and have applied for over 20 places in the last 2 weeks. Max budget $650 for a 2 bedroom or $750 for a 3 bedroom that seems to be above median prices as per tenancy services data and we are still unsuccessful due to the competition for each place. There are many places but not when considering the amount of people looking for places.
@hebrewrootwife What areas are you searching / wanting to live in? I’m in Ellerslie Auckland and I’ve seen quite a few properties advertised in surrounding suburbs like Greenlane etc but you’re right even two bedroom units are being advertised for like 720 pw it’s crazy. Good luck on your search. I hope you find somewhere.
@chefapple We're looking all over central, west up to Glen Eden, east up to Howick and south up to Manukau, everything in between. We sort by the most recent listings and apply for those first, anything that's been on there longer than a week is almost always a waste of time applying as it's probably taken or under application.

When unsuccessful I have asked the agent for feedback and they said there was nothing wrong with us, there's just so many applicants. I'd have a guess even the $700 ones would have a lot of competition (as they're generally new builds or in good areas), it may only start to dwindle down at $750+ for a 2 bed and $800+ for a 3 bed.
@hebrewrootwife Join the suburbs community Facebook group/ pages I see a lot of people advertising their rentals there that are coming up to being available/ tenants just gave notice (pre-advertising) so maybe you will beat somebody to the punch :)
@duleigh What’s the repayments on a mobile rv/home anyone know? The only way prices will drop are if houses are empty and not in demand and can’t see that happening any time soon
@duleigh I don't rent. Thank god.

I did see 2 people, old lady and middle aged guy have a tantrum outside supermarket last week. She walked off for a bit. Seemed it was trying to arrange the shopping in the back of the station wagon, and he'd tossed out clothes, blankets etc and was starting over - the bed in back you see.

I felt awful for them. If I wasn't boarding and owned this place, I'd offer them a room, or at least somewhere to park and shower etc.

It's crap. And bad enough for him, his old mum as well?
@duleigh It's ridiculous everywhere. My friend and her family moved back from Oz. Took over 10 months to secure a rental even though she works for a govt dept and he's a linesman. 3 teenagers so not little kids and no pets.
Utterly ridiculous how hard it was for them. Hawkes Bay
@duleigh my flatmate left and there was a huge response to my ad - $330 pw for a single person in Auckland CBD and $360 pw for a couple. compared to a year ago, when there were very few responses, I'd say that it must be very hard to find somewhere to rent right now. I increased the single pw charge by $5 since last year since that's how much my LL increased the rent by this year, but I probably could have asked for more and gotten it.

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