The secondary driver on my vehicle Ran a red light- insurance implications ?


New member
Quick question regarding car insurance

I am the primary driver on my car. My brother (who is listed as the secondary driver on the insurance) ran a red light and got caught on the city camera, which they sent a fine to our home address with the photo proof and all.

As for insurance, will they think that this red light run was me, considering I am the primary? They don’t have a photo of who was driving, and there was no name on the ticket.

Any help would be appreciated.
@nguyenviet92 Even if they did report it, any decent agent/broker should know that unless it’s a ticket/conviction to reports to the MVR/abstract, we don’t rate for it. And it doesn’t report to the MVR because, like you said, it’s reported to the plate and you can’t definitely prove who the driver was or wasn’t.

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