The S&P 500 reached an all-time high of 2,977.86

@al1998 Say you are 70 and have a grandson. You gift him $1M but only if he gives it to his own grandson when he reaches age 70, and that grandson cannot spend it until he himself reaches age 70. It’d be worth a cool $13B. Compound interest is fucking powerful. If you let it go one more generation it’d be worth $1.5T (assuming 7% interest)
@al1998 Warren Buffett’s children had no idea that he was rich when they were young and he stills owns and lives in the exact same Joe Blow house that his children grew up in today. His wealth has never defined him and if you don’t let your wealth define you and your children then it will not. Money does not make a man or teach him how to raise his children, nor does money change the man in any way. The man changes the man and only if he so chooses.
@al1998 My wife's mother always said with regard to wealth, "the first generation builds it, the second lives with it and the third squanders it." So by that logic, your children will live with the wealth you pass on to them but their kids will finish it off. Hopefully your great grandchildren will start the cycle again.
Not my family. The second generation screwed us. My grandfather made millions from a rock quarry and aggregate supply business he built over his adult lifetime. When grandpa died, my loser uncle who never worked a day in his life, somehow convinced my grandmother to remove everyone but him from the family will. Later on when grandma got older, he became her power of attorney and embezzled all of the money and blew it on sketchy trades in the stock market. Now he's broke (as far as we know).

It doesn't bother me though. I've always valued the struggle. I'd rather earn it than have it given to me. Makes me appreciate it that much more.

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