The "PFC Bubble" = Some facts on the demographics of Reddit Users in Canada

Folks is another option that works well for referring to a group of people. In some cases even "people" makes sense.

You don't have to use these terms, but it's worth keeping in mind some people you address may not enjoy being called "guys" or "dude", regardless of your feelings on the neutrality of the words. If you're fine with that, use whatever terms you want.
@cleatun .... Do only women's opinions matter, now? Or in this case: women that you know?

Dudes and guys can be male connotation. But it can also be gender neutral.

In English, it can be either.

Btw, I get the impression that ppl who complain about this are monolingual.... There are some languages where gender neutrality is impossible, and languages where gendered language is impossible.

And btw, that has nothing to do with how progressive that language's speakers are
Dudes and guys can be male connotation. But it can also be gender neutral.

Agreed, it's subjective and a matter of personal opinion. Do you think it's more inclusive to refer to people of unknown gender using terms that are universally neutral (i.e. cannot exclude them), or ones that are subjectively neutral (i.e. could exclude them)?

.... Do only women's opinions matter, now? Or in this case: women that you know?

This isn't about only women's opinions. Gender neutral terms by definition are not exclusive to a particular gender. Using them means everybody's opinion matters, not just people who consider "dude" and "guy" gender neutral.

I get the impression that ppl who complain about this are monolingual.... There are some languages where gender neutrality is impossible, and languages where gendered language is impossible.

The ability for other languages to use gendered or gender neutral terms is irrelevant in deciding whether or not to use gender neutral terms in English. We can choose to use gender neutral terms in English.

All that being said, you're welcome to choose not to use gender neutral language. This is reddit, and nothing will stop you. If your goal is inclusivity and respecting others as much as possible, then avoiding misgendering people is an extremely simple way to help with that.
@christmyonlyhope I only use "dude" to greet somebody I know who identifies as male, e.g. "Hey dude". I'm struggling to imagine a situation where I would want to refer to somebody so casually while also not knowing them well enough to know if they identity as male.

Maybe if I see somebody and want to say something like "that dude over there" it could be useful, but in that case I just say "that person over there".

Not sure if this answers your question at all.
@resjudicata My normal informal usage is online for things like gaming, in which case I have no info on their gender and I'm not going to be formal with the large variety of usernames that people use. Dude sort of works, but I'm always open to a replacement that works better.
@christmyonlyhope Oh in that case I usually say "buddy", and if they're not somebody I would consider a buddy then it can easily be written with a sarcastic sound to it. Much like dude now that I think of it.
@cleatun +1 for “dude” and “you guys” being gender neutral terms unless a person specifically has an issue with either (in which case I’m happy to use that person’s preferred terms). I am a fan of the way Reddit has evolved over the past few years to reflect more diverse user demographics, but I would consider it a shame to lose Reddit tropes like “this dude x-s”. I think most people agree on this, but if I’m wrong I suppose it wouldn’t be too much skin off my nose to say “this dude/ette x-s” so I’m just giving my 2 cents
@cleatun I also wanted to mention that, I tend to not open posts that start by “hey guys” because it bothers me to not be included on the conversation from the get go.
@cleatun “Y’all” “folks” “everyone” “friends” “money experts” “finance goblins” ... we have so many options!

It’s funny that we get downvoted by just asking people to include everyone into a conversation.
@resjudicata First off: I recommend "you guys" don't get so triggered by internet popularity points. Otherwise your sensitive, bruised egos may never heal 🤭

Second, and more seriously: do you not speak other languages? Or perhaps you are ESL? There are many examples of words where, depending on the context, it can be referring to both genders, or just one.

"Guys" is one of them.

"Bitch" is another. Like when XKCD says "Science, bitches!"

Look, let me ask you: are you equally offended n triggered that ships, weapons, and countries are female gendered in the English language?


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