The "PFC Bubble" = Some facts on the demographics of Reddit Users in Canada

Women on reddit don't tend to advertise the fact that they are female

I didn't find this to be true


edit: Your point is, all women on reddit are apparent, and it shows either through their speech pattern, their username or the fact that they advertise it. What I am telling you is: 1/ that's not true and 2/ no woman who goes out of her way to stay "undercover" will try to prove you wrong on this, because she is trying to stay undercover. It is unfortunately a fact that as a female, you are way more targeted than a male on the internet, and not everyone is fond of this attention.
edit: Your point is, all women on reddit are apparent,

Where did I say all women?

Show me

What I am telling you is: 1/ that's not true and 2/ no woman who goes out of her way to stay "undercover" will try to prove you wrong on this, because she is trying to stay undercover.

Well no shit Sherlock: if you want complete anonymity, why would you take an action that deliberately removes said anonymity?

Here, let me give you the Converse of what you said;

no man who goes out of his way to stay "undercover" will try to prove you wrong on this, because he is trying to stay undercover.

.... See?

Like, duh!

Do you see how your logic answers itself?

But more importantly: none of what you're babbling about, is what I claimed in the first place. You're getting sidetracked.

It is unfortunately a fact that as a female, you are way more targeted than a male on the internet,

What do you mean by targeted?

and not everyone is fond of this attention.

Where did I say otherwise? Show me.

I'll be awaiting your response
@polly%EF%BC%81 anecdotally I think that's a more recent change. It seemed like almost only guys I knew were on it 5sh years ago but in the last year or two it seems all the girls jumped aboard. Also seems to line up with when it became more common to see people on the mobile app.
@james111 Let me give you some data on that (using the same study, but going back 5 years). :)

It was estimated that there were about 1.5 million Reddit users in Canada in 2015 (now that's estimated to be over 5.4 million as of 2020). Using Q1-Q4 2015 data, 58.5% were male, and 41.5% were female -- so surprisingly very little has changed, but as /@greengrace pointed out, this is of Reddit visitors and not necessarily people who post, and people aren't going to post their gender.
@zelisky Swing and a miss on that one I suppose. I'm actually surprised reddit hasn't trended more towards a female user group.

Also wondering if the 1/5th less than average living with partners already takes into consideration the age demographic and urban area demographics. Like is the single living trend on reddit because of other demographics mentioned above or despite/ontop of them.
@james111 No, I dug in a bit deeper and you were right -- I had accidentally included my Q1/Q2 2020 data in there. If I look at Reddit circa 2016 (since 2015 didn't have big enough sample when I pulled it), it was 60% male, 40% female. So I think you're right in that 10 years ago it may have been very male skewed, but old perceptions change slowly. Hence why many people still believe video gamers are male (64% of Canadian females 16-64 play video games, whereas 75% of males do, so not a big difference between the two).
@crazy950 I think wall street bets is different in that women might be less inclined to risks.

I was surprised to notice a lot of women on pfc though. Financial literacy is after all necessary to all of us, regardless of our gender.
@crazy950 I wouldn't say less interested, but definitely tending towards a different objective.

I.e a guy might be interested in stocks, bitcoins and such to "get rich", whereas a women may be interested paying down debts, risk reduction, planning for having enough for a house, going on vacations, etc. Two very different approaches.

Something like PFC would be most balanced and universal, whereas something like WSB definitely skews towards guys.
I.e a guy might be interested in stocks, bitcoins and such to "get rich",


whereas a women may be interested paying down debts, risk reduction, planning for having enough for a house, going on vacations, etc.

Don't see that.

Women are more risk averse, yes. Men are gamblers, yes.

But the examples you listed are.... Neither
@polly%EF%BC%81 Which is why we all need to be using gender neutral terms. I still see a lot of folks assuming gender and terms like “dude”, “guys”, and “man” used on too many occasions on this sub. It’s a small thing we can all do so that people feel more welcomed and included.

Edit: I knew I was going to get downvoted for this. I don’t care. If this is too much to ask for you, then you’re pathetic.
@foundsomefunnies I've been replacing "guys" with "folks" in my work emails, I quite like it. It's not too informal or slang-ey, while being appropriately inclusive, and sounds friendly imo.

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