The cost of raising a child in India: School costs ₹30 lakh, college a crore

@maredaydivine Actually, not all schools are free. I knew from my friend(from America) that public schools are free while private are not, they also give free meals in public school. But the quality of education, discipline and studying environment is far better in private schools. They even have a joke related to this that private school have good kids.

Note: He is from California so my views are about California schools. btw I saw those public schools were far far better than the state govt. schools in my state.

Isn't it kind of same what it is in India? I mean I don't really know about other states but in my state the govt made education free in state govt schools and even provided meals and eggs to lure them to study. But teachers there don't really care if students are really studying. Sometimes teachers bunked class lol. Because no one is going to complain, they will get their salary.

Note: I have another friend whose father is a teacher in a state govt school for more than 10 years, I knew all these from her. I have never attended a state govt school.

I was studying in a central govt school on a merit scholarship and everything(hostel, food, education, necessities) was free for me from 6th class to 12th class. It was pretty good.
@aldert Public schools in thr US are free and generally good. India spends around 3 percent of gdp on education. We are not following anyone here but blazing a new path to obscurity.
@aldert We were shaming the unprivileged even when the US was occupied only by the native tribes. That’s basically what the caste system is.
@aldert Just FYI making education costly is a tool to reduce population.

People want to give what is best to their kids and if they could only afford the best for one kid, they think before having a second
@sehnsucht9 when i joined a govt engineering college in 2008, semester fees were 12k and annual hostel fees 25k. so total about 50k per year. the next year, fees straight up doubled for our juniors. no idea how the situation is now.

my entire school education from lkg to 12th was probably less than 1l including everything - school fees, transportation, uniform, books, notebooks, stationery, project material, etc.

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