The company I started 4 years ago is doing so much better than I expected, now I don’t know what to do with all of the money I’m making

@bellagirl I made the assumption that OP does not have kids. If that is incorrect it changes the equation, but my point that life insurance should never be a part of an investment discussion remains. Term insurance fits the bill for the vast majority of people.
@fantomas318 I appreciate that you feel that way and you're trying to help but if life insurance comes up in a financial advice/planning conversation it's because it's standard protocol. It is not a red flag. I know life insurance sales gets a bad rep because there are agents in the industry that do not sell life insurance for the right reasons. And this is the result - people have difficulty trusting anybody that sells life insurance.

Kids or not, life insurance is a key part of planning for many reasons: Estate liquidity, leaving a legacy, protecting income, funding college savings, providing peace of mind for survivors, giving to a charity, preparing for a future family, taking care of parents or siblings, preparing for a special-needs loved one - all these things are personal in nature and should be discussed with a licensed life insurance agent, financial advisor, or financial planner - and of course, you want to find an advisor who is motivated by helping others instead of trying to close a sale. No different than finding a good mechanic or car salesman.

As far as term insurance or permanent insurance, there isn't a "bad" one - there is only an appropriate one. Of course the company issuing the policy is important to trust and exclusions are also something to consider as well. I've had thousands of these conversations with clients and their reasons for getting life insurance often times is not the reason you think but protection is the universal constant (unless you're super rich, then there are other reasons to get it).

The bottom line is that life insurance should be part of a financial plan if a person's net worth isn't enough to provide for that person's proper burial or take care of those things that are important to that person. Personally, I see life insurance as having the single greatest impact on a financial plan for most people. It's a great way to leverage your dollars while you are trying to accumulate your wealth.

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